find out how secure you are... or are not.

Seculert Javelin

Browser-Based Network Attack Simulator

2-Minutes to see whether your gateway is stopping the latest, real-world attacks.

Today's malicious malware attacks are designed to bypass destination-based gateway controls. We know, because we monitor over 1.7 Billion outbound communications every day. To put it plainly, we can see what's hiding in your network. In fact, 40% of the communications we observed for our customers in the last 6 months are Not Blocked by enterprise gateways.

Undetected breaches are increasing at an alarming rate. To address this major visibility gap in network security, Seculert has launched the "Javelin Attack Simulator" which benignly replicates the latest behavioral communications that attackers use to successfully exfiltrate your data.

Javelin was purpose-built to determine if you would stop the 'bad actors' like the Ursnif data stealer and downloader highlighted in our blog, from completing their mission of communicating out of your gateways.

It takes just 2 minutes for Seculert's Javelin Test to measure your gateway's performance and provide actual results to the latest, real-world threats - and it is completely safe. Javelin is a web-based service that bounces simulated attacks off command and control servers from the most successful 'bad actors' we see daily, then we report back to you the associated gateway response.

The Javelin test results are based on our unique knowledge of the latest, real-world malware attack behavior observed from Seculert's award-winning Attack Detection Platform.

At No Point during the simulation process is any actual malware introduced to your network. Javelin is completely safe and only replicates the communication patterns observed by our platform.

The Javelin Attack Simulator provides critical visibility into your gateway’s performance, for which Seculert offers an automated Gateway Update Service to resolve the gap between your gateway's inbound prevention capabilities and the latest, real-world malicious threats revealed by the Seculert Javelin Attack Simulator.

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